From the “Now Bugger Off and Have Boring Children” Dept:

From the “Now Bugger Off and Have Boring Children” Dept:

Once again, the spring ritual of rendering unto Caesar four times (two corporate tax returns and two individual ones) and making the Obamacare people happy is finally completed.

I do so love the question about the contents that I get when I drop these large envelopes into the post. Hazardous materials are prohibited but not ones that are stultifyingly boring to produce and must be utterly and dreadfully dull to have to read and process when they get to the taxing authorities (oooh…that’s such a horrible pun but I’m going to leave it).

Here’s a thought: maybe instead of having a tax code that’s so bloody complicated that even the simplest of returns still takes hours of thoroughly unproductive work to feed expensive (and occasionally buggy!) software and be exposed to massive fees just to comply with the law as best we can without getting nicked…what if we were to have a tax code that was reasonable and only required a few minutes and very little if any money to make the tax boffins happy and adequately fund the essential functions of government?

And…then I wake up and realise we’ve still got the large army of paid lobbyists who will ensure the politicians will continue to enshrine the taxation insanity in the Internal Revenue Code and that the vast majority of the burden of financing and compliance with the circus will continue to fall upon the shoulders of those who lack the resources to fight back.

We. Are. Rome.

And there is way too much fiddling going on at the centre of it. 🙁

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