From the “So Blatant That Even Mr Magoo Can See It!” Dept:

From the “So Blatant That Even Mr Magoo Can See It!” Dept:

One of the leading voices of the “thoughts and prayers” squad in the aftermath of the school shooting in Nashville is none other than Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN 5) who happens to be the incumbent representative of the district that contains the school.

Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words but I’m thinking this one is definitely worth the $1,000 the National Rifle Association put into his campaign coffers in the 2022 election cycle according to Open Secrets:

Nothing says “happy Christmas” like a card from a politician and his family that’s armed to the teeth with assault weaponry!

That rather makes one really question how much his “thoughts and prayers” were for the victims of that senseless shooting.

And not to be outdone, Ammo-Barbie herself also is into the “when you care enough to flash the heavy weaponry” vibe for her Christmas greetings.

That’s Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO 3) who surprisingly is the only one in this picture that isn’t rocking an AR like Rambo. From left to right, the kids give me these impressions:

  • Green Bay Packers fan looks like he can’t wait to to start blasting away.
  • Short stuff to his left seems to be wondering what all the fuss is about.
  • The Raiders fan looks like he would give all of the money in the two worlds to be anywhere else doing anything else. And I mean *ANYTHING*…he seems to be the only one who really knows these optics suck.
  • The last kid just comes off with a creepy vibe. You know, the one they always say is the quiet one.

Anywho…there’s just two examples of members of the House of Representatives showing just how much their “thoughts and prayers” extend to those impacted by gun violence. A casual Google search will find you many more with ease.

It seems to me that even Mr Magoo can see for himself that if you wonder why we have such a gun problem in this country, maybe we ought to look at the ammo-sexuals in Congress being paid to look the other way as Americans are being gunned down left, right, and centre.

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