From the “Delivering the Cray Cray For You!” Dept:

From the “Delivering the Cray Cray For You!” Dept:

Just when you think you’ve truly seen it all…along comes something that just defies all imagination that you’d have witnessed it.

As I was waiting in Julia’s office car park to transfer Alex and the two puppies, I heard a huge crashing sound to my left toward the GoRaleigh bus stop.

There’s this guy in a high-visibility yellow jacket walking away from the US Postal Service collection box he’d just did a Hong Kong Phooey number on which is laying on it’s side on the ground.

I have no idea if he kicked it or punched it but I’m truly bewildered as to how bad a day has to be that you’ve got to take it out on an innocent post box.

He heads a bit further down the hill before doing a U-turn and boarding the bus as if nothing had happened.

I rang up the US Postal Inspection Service (having zero clue who else would even care) and they’re going to have someone go round and mend it or at least secure the mail that was in the box.

Dead set…rando cray cray going all kung fu on a post box was not in the top million of things I’d ever expected to see in my lifetime but you’ve got to appreciate being in the right place at the right time to see that box get assaulted.

Welcome to the 27610 in Raleigh where batsh*t insanity isn’t a bug…it’s a feature of the most dangerous ZIP code in the entire city!

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