Day 4 – National Gallery of Art

Day 4 – National Gallery of Art

After making it round the Capitol Building, I arrived at the National Gallery of Art.

The Gallery is actually split into two buildings so I started with the smaller East building which is connected to the West building via an underground tunnel with a fascinating light display.

The architecture of the buildings is stunning but the treasures of artwork on display even more so. I’ve always liked Henri Matisse and Auguste Renoir but I’ll confess that when I’m visiting the Gallery, I always make sure to catch the Gilbert Stuart portraits of the first five Presidents of the United States as well as the one of John Jay, first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Even if you’re a complete Philistine when it comes to art, the Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington (Athenaeum) is one that even the most art-unaware person couldn’t help but recognise as the mirror image was the basis of the engraving used for Washington’s portrait on the dollar bill.

On the way out of the West Building’s basement into a courtyard full of sculptures, I was surprised to find Rodin’s “The Thinker”. Many years ago, a traveling Rodin exhibition came to the NC Museum of Art near the arena and it was well worth the visit. It’s been a while old friend but we caught up with each other at last! ๐Ÿ™‚

I took advantage of a food truck that was selling kielbasa to finally get something to eat and drink and wandered down the Mall toward the American History museum.

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