From the “There’s a First Time for Everything” Dept:

After dropping Nick off at school downtown, my precinct is on the way back home so I figured I'd pop in and vote in the primary being held today. What I wasn't expecting was to find a cameraman from Time Warner Cable News INSIDE THE BUILDING blocking the door to the polling room and then keeping the camera pointed at me the entire time I was in there and going through the voting procedures. Can…

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We Didn’t Start The Fire!

But we certainly didn't have any problems with shooting it! Any decent lens will do to really get the colours of the flame to pop...were I shooting on a DSLR, I'd likely have the 50mm f/1.4 lens at hand. That f/1.4 aperture is large that I can shoot that lens in total darkness without using the flash! But in this case, these all came from the back camera of an iPhone. The technology is…

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Maleficent settling into her new home quite nicely…

The last picture shows the eight logical CPUs (four physical cores and Intel's Hyperthreading means each core appears as two CPUs) during a big export of a little over 2,000 pictures from the recent photo shoot at the Gilbert Theatre. Maleficent blasted through that export roughly five times faster than Callisto would have and that was with the virus scanner actively scanning the hard drive at the same time dramatically slowing down the machine's performance.…

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Birds of a different feather…

Originally, my eye was caught by the contrails of an Airbus A320 passing overhead but when the hawk decided they wanted to come round and play...well, who am I to refuse? All of these were shot on the D810 with the 300mm f/4 lens. The tricky bit of these shots is keeping the bird that is randomly flying round visible in the viewfinder and getting the autofocus to lock on properly. In situations like this…

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A Laptop This Evil Could Only Have One Name…

The time of great change is finally upon us with the arrival of a new laptop to replace the nearly six year-old current laptop that is finally starting to show its age. Laptops by their nature tend to be evil with all of the hardware crammed into an itty bitty space and this new one actually embraces it. The naming scheme of laptops in this house is always for evil characters and thus the name…

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