From the “Subtle And Ironic Signs You’re Significantly Closer To Your Sell-By Date” Dept:

From the “Subtle And Ironic Signs You’re Significantly Closer To Your Sell-By Date” Dept:

As Alex and Katie were boarding the shuttle to their respective middle schools, “The Bird” from Morris Day and the Time was playing on the world’s best radio station WFOX (plays only what I like, repeats upon demand, and NO COMMERCIAL INTERRUPTIONS…EVER!).

Whilst Alex was rocking to that amazing tune…he asked at the end if the loud CA-CAW sound was Nigel, the evil cockatoo from “Rio”.

As I’m explaining to him that it was actually Morris Day himself, it suddenly occurred to me that I was telling Alex of a song made popular in a movie (“Purple Rain”) that came out 35 years ago!

And even if you remember the important roles Morris Day and The Time play in the lives of Jay and Silent Bob circa 2001, you’re still talking a childhood ago.


Don’t even get me started on how mind blowing and ironic it was that this realisation was courtesy of Morris Day and THE TIME. 🙂

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