From the “Early PolitiTraverse Exit Polling from NC” Dept:

From the “Early PolitiTraverse Exit Polling from NC” Dept:

It’s Bernie v Biden today in the Tarheel State and already we can see this battleground state living up to its recent reputation.

Katie woke up long enough in her school’s carpool lane to rate both of the leading contenders a solid “MEH!” before casting her vote for Biden.

Alex, OTOH, is solidly feeling the Bern!

Guess it’s up to me to be the tie breaking vote.. 🙂

Truth be told, I was sad to see Klobuchar drop out yesterday and I’d find it surprising if she doesn’t get a long look at possibly being on the ticket for November, especially if Sanders ends up being the nominee to balance out his ideology. Consistently strong debate performances, pragmatic record in the Senate, and Minnesotan to boot. Of the many choices on offer, she’d have at least gotten my vote in the primary (nice thing about being independent is that I get the choice of the menus on offer! 🙂 )

So yeah…I’m with Katie on the main contenders. Which doesn’t make the choice any easier… 🙁

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  1. (Tamara O’Connor)

    Right there with you! This is the Democratic version of what the Republicans faced in 2016. 🙁

    With one key difference, IMO…whichever one of them ends up with the nomination at least has credible expertise in how the governmental apparatus should be used both domestically and internationally.

    Mind you, one potential 2020 parallel with 2016 that seems to be developing with the moderates coalescing behind Biden could do real damage to the general election if Bernie ends up losing out on the nomination and goes completely ape about the process being rigged against him.

    That sort of infighting could make it a huge uphill slog to unseat Mr Trump in November…

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