From the “Ukraine? Tell Me More…?” Dept:

From the “Ukraine?  Tell Me More…?” Dept:

Do you…

  • have no idea where and what Ukraine is?
  • wonder why Vladimir Putin ordered the tanks and troops as well as missile strikes into Ukraine?
  • why this invasion seems a suspiciously familiar story that seems to have played out many times before?
  • question why Vladimir Putin seems obsessed with the possibility of NATO expansion into Ukraine?
  • think this conflict won’t affect your day-to-day life?
  • have a clue as to what the ultimate end result of this invasion will be?
  • ask yourself why you should care?

Don’t feel so bad…more than a few Americans (especially those whose family history doesn’t include Eastern Europe) would likely be asking those very same questions.

Earlier, I dropped a deep-dive on what I felt Putin’s motivations and mindset might be but I might well have saved myself about three hours of writing that story.

I found this video on YouTube whilst making some tea.

It does a wonderful job of explaining the geopolitical basics behind the conflict in about 30 minutes (including one I actually didn’t know vis-a-vis the Dnepr River) and why Putin is moving now when he believes he’ll have the best chance of success in toppling the current Ukrainian government if not outright take over the country.

The more you know… 🙂

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