From the “Invasion of the Chicken Snatchers” Dept:

From the “Invasion of the Chicken Snatchers” Dept:

Every now and then I stumble across a situation that initially looks like all hell is going to break loose but somehow manages to restore my faith in the ability of our species to find our way to a better future.

This time, this rather unexpected revelation came in the meat department at Sam’s Club on Capital Blvd.

One of the gems of that area of Sam’s is the rotisserie chicken ovens and the fantastic juicy bird that they roast to perfection that is generally dirt cheap at about $5 a bird.

That area also tends to draw a crowd when those ovens are being unloaded and this afternoon was no different with many shoppers and their trolleys wanting some more cluck for their buck.

One lady who I presume is shopping for a restaurant or some sort of catering event has about six of those luscious cluckers in her trolley with five different customers eyeing her like she’s the main course of their next meal.

The gent behind the counter is going to start unloading the oven in about fifteen minutes which does not help the mood of those waiting for a chicken who start tossing dark looks and even darker invective toward the lady who arrived before they did.

Truth be told, she’d been perfectly in her right to point that out and tell the others to sod off. A lesser person like me might well have done so in a pique of spite or anger.

But as I do a lap round one of the coolers nearby wondering if fisticuffs are coming next (and where in the hell they’ve stashed the kielbasa as this isn’t my usual Sam’s and I have no idea where anything is!), I’m greeted with a curious sight when she comes back into view.

She’s handed off all but one of the chickens that was in her trolley to those who were waiting in favour of fulfilling her needs with the ones coming off the spits in a few minutes.

In these dark times where war is glorified and everyday ordinary acts of kindness are considered some sort of weird affectation, it’s rather nice seeing that there are people in this world who are still willing to buck the trend and be cooperative for the greater good even though she could have stood her ground insisting she was in the right and then likely had a much less pleasant time waiting for the rest of the chickens she was buying with a likely ever increasing crowd.

Instead, she chose to go ahead and let the other five customers go on their way which probably did wonders to improve their mood which is no small thing.

These are those delightfully idealistic types our species truly needs to survive for the long-term and as such had to be acknowledged.

And I’m sure that chicken that came off the rotisserie spit was even more delightful. I wouldn’t know…I was still searching for the bloody kielbasa that they didn’t actually have available. 😉

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