From the “Who Knew Pele Was Italian” Dept:

From the “Who Knew Pele Was Italian” Dept:

Mind you, Pele’s jam was cursing those who would steal volcanic rocks from Hawai’i…the Italian authorities seem to go for swifter economic retribution! 🙂

This Post Has One Comment

  1. (Monica A. Inzaina)

    This is big news with my family – it was a LOT of sand.

    I should say so…it seems rather ironic that the French tourists that got nicked for stealing the sand apparently think 40 KILOGRAMS (or 90 pounds!) is a “souvenir”! Or is ironic not the word I should be thinking of…perhaps *BREATHTAKING STUPIDITY* would fit better? I’m sure the Italians will let them keep the prison overalls they so richly deserve when they’re set free as a souvenir… 🙁

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