From the “I Guess It Was Bound To Happen Some Day” Dept:

From the “I Guess It Was Bound To Happen Some Day” Dept:

My apologies to all who may have been inconvenienced by my Facebook account being hacked by miscreants for whom James May’s desire they suffer from “bilharzia of the ballsack” is far too kind a fate for them.

And yes, I do believe them to be apocalyptic dingleberries. πŸ™

I’ve since changed the password (which is just *SUCH* a joy of a procedure!) so those numpties can crack on to pouring lemon juice on open wounds.

Apparently I got stung by the “look who died” phishing scam that I must have clicked on by accident as I’m trying to sift through the massive amount of noise that has been polluting my feed of late to get to the posts from friends that I actually care about.

Many thanks for Julia to pointing out this had happened because there is no notification on my end that it actually has happened. As it was, she was tagged (which is something I very rarely if ever do) for a video (which is even more unlikely) which was a dead giveaway it wasn’t me.

It wasn’t until I checked the activity log that I could actually see what had been done by the crims who were impersonating me which Facebook allowed to be marked “hidden” from notification mechanisms.

Between the signal-to-noise ratio getting appallingly bad with all of the adverts and other useless crap I have no interest in and having to go through this hassle thanks to Facebook having such a leaky sieve of an algorithm that makes these sorts of attacks distressingly easy, it’s so tempting to leave Facebook once and for all.

As it is, the primary use of Facebook for me is as a notification mechanism for family and friends when I post a new story on one of my sites.

Truth be told, I’ve thought of writing a screen scraping application to “curate” my Facebook feed to do exactly that but I’m pretty sure that would piss off the people at Facebook who have more money than the Almighty who would find some obscure section in the terms of service to royally screw me without the benefit of KY.

Frankly, if anyone knows a setting to set my feed to only see posts from friends and completely filter out the adverts, I’d love to know what it is! I’m going to try to get Adblock Plus to do that but I’ve no doubt it’ll probably break some other functionality I need.

Until then, the way you’ll know my posts are genuine because they always have some sort of witty “From the … Dept:” title (OK, at least I think it has wit) and a link to the full story on one of my websites. I don’t do tagging unless it’s a truly exceptional circumstance and the main content is on my web server so that’s about as far as the sharing goes. πŸ™‚

Needless to say, I’ve enabled the two-factor authentication so that hopefully this does not repeat itself in the future.

Again, my apologies for any inconvenience. πŸ™

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